Year 2
Welcome to Year 2's class page
Welcome to the Spring Term
Take a look at our topic page on the medium term plan tab and click on the Spring 1 tab to find out more about our wonderful learning this half-term.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us, as we are always happy to help.
Many thanks
Miss Richards and Miss Jackson
Below you will find key information about our Year 2 class
Who teaches us in Year 2?
Miss Richards is your class teacher and Miss Jackson is your teaching assistant. You're very lucky to have some other fantastic teachers teaching you this year including; Miss O' Keefe (teaches Art and DT), Miss Dawson (teaches on a Friday when Miss Richards isn't in school) and our school sports mentor, Miss Dark (teaches P.E every Monday and Tuesday so remember to bring your P.E pumps).
The timetable below shows our weekly curriculum:
Home learning
Children in Year 2 are expected to:
- Read their reading book for at least 5 minutes every day at home and bring their book bag to school every day.
- Learn to read and spell Common Exception Words.
- Practice the 2, 5 and 10 times tables - worksheets for these will be sent out.
You can find out what you will be learning this year by clicking on the links in the blue box.