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Our Learning

Week 1

Monday 20th April 2020


  1. Read about each God and make notes
  2. Read ‘Greek Gods and Heroes’ extract
  3. Write an entry about your favourite God to go in the book

Maths:  E-learning task: Multiply by a multiple of 100 or 1000 (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website- see link below) 

Maths: Paper task: Multiply by a multiple of 100 or 1000 worksheet

It would be really useful for children (even those who are doing paper tasks) to access 'The Maths Factor' website, as the videos will directly support them in the task they are completing, showing them a strategy to use and how to answer questions using this strategy. Children only need to do one of the maths tasks- either the paper task or the E-learning task- if they're keen to do both, then they are welcome to!

Remember to check out Miss Dark's page for PE and Miss O'Keefe's page for Art tasks. Children should also continue to access TTRockstars each day and read for 15 minutes. 

Tuesday 21st April 2020


  1. Read, watch and listen to ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’.
  2. Write down any words that you don’t know and look up their definition
  3. Re-write the story using a maximum of 500 words.

Maths:  E-learning task: Column multiplication of 3 digits times 1 digit (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website) 

Paper task: Worksheet- Multiplying 3 digit x 1 digit- no regrouping


Wednesday 22nd April 2020


  1. Read Chapter 4 of ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’, write down words and phrases to describe the minotaur
  2. Write sentences which start using ‘ING’ words to describe the scene in Chapter 4.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: Test 5

Maths:  E-learning task: Column multiplication of 3 digits times 1 digit with carrying tens on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)

Paper task: Worksheet- Column multiplication of 3 digits times 1 digit with carrying tens

Thursday 23rd April


  1. Read about creatures and Greek Monsters and write down facts about your 3 favourites.
  2. Look at the ‘Myth Match’ extract. Create your own Greek monster hybrid based on this- draw and label its features

Maths:  E-learning task: Column multiplication of 3 digits times 1 digit with carrying hundreds (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)- see below for the link) 

Paper task: Worksheet- Column multiplication of 3 digits times 1 digit with carrying hundreds.

Friday 24th April

English: Extended write

Create a fight scene/chapter between a hero and the Greek creature you created yesterday. Try to include some ‘ing opener’ sentences and interesting words/phrases which you have collected throughout the week.

Maths: Arithmetic paper- Autumn Test 3

To prepare you for this you can also practise your Arithmetic skills on

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607