SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
Our Special needs Provision
As a school we are committed to the belief that every child is an individual who brings something special to the school community. All children, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, and have the opportunity to meet their full potential.
The SENCO frequently reviews progress and attainment of all children. Following on from these reviews the SENCO may identify children who may have a particular need. If a child is identified of having an additional need then the SENCO will have discussions with both teachers and parents to advise how we can support the pupils further. The SENCO works closely alongside teachers and parents to plan effectively on how pupils can be supported. The SEN provision map records the type of intervention a child is receiving along with the costing for the intervention. Regular meetings with key staff and the senior leadership team looks at the success of these interventions according to progress made. Our SEND Information Report also explains what provision is available in our school.
Staff are given regular training on how to support our SEND children. We also have a school nurse which advises staff. The SENCO works with various external agencies to ensure our pupils get the full support that they are required including; Educational psychologists, Specialist teachers, Speech and language therapists and a Dyslexia trained teacher. The majority of staff have received First aid and Epi-pen training.
During assessments children can be supported 1:1, have timed breaks or be given additional time. They can sit assessments in a quiet separate area if needed.
Additional Information
The local offer
The Local Offer sets out at the ‘local authority level’ what the Local Authority expects to be available in every school. The website also contains links to many other agencies which provide support to children with SEND and their families. This is available here:
Please see the DFE Parent and Carer Guide for SEND Reforms for further information.
Lancashire SEND latest news-
Please see below to view the following documents;
SEND policy
Our Local Offer
SEND information report
Accessibility policy
Medical policy
Intimate care policy
FIND (Family information network Directory) newsletters
SEND Newsletters- Latest Newsletter is the Winter issue
Break Time providers information for 2024-2025 (For more information click on the link
Autism support service by Child Action Northwest (CANW)
If you require any further information you can contact our