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Reopening School

Arriving and leaving school and what it will look like

Phased Opening for EYFS, Year 1, Year 6 and Keyworkers

Please read this information with your parents about coming back to school


You will be put into a coloured group.  We will let you know which you are in before you come to school and which classroom you will do your learning in.  You will spend all your time with just the people in your group.

Coming into School

You will stand in a line with your parent.  You must be 2 meters apart.  The markings on the floor will show you where to stand.

EYFS will line up at the EYFS gate.

Year 1 will line up on the ramp to the key stage 1 building.

Year 6 and Keyworker children will line up at the main office door.

A member of staff will tell you when you can come in.

You will take your coat and lunchbox to your classroom and wash your hands.  Your teacher will tell you when to wash your hands and which toilets to use.

In the classroom

You will be given a place to sit.  If you bring a packed lunch from home you will put it in your tray.  In your tray you will have everything that you will need.

Breaktime and Lunchtime

Your teacher will take you outside for breaktime.  Your must play without touching your friend’s hands.  You can only play with people in your group in your area. When you go back inside, your teacher will tell you when to wash your hands.

You will eat you lunch in your classroom and play outside when your teacher tells you.

Going Home

When your parent comes to collect you from school, they will stand in a line.  The main office line will be for Year 6 and keyworker children.  The Key stage 1 line will be for year 1 and EYFS.

Your parent will be asked to come into school by a member of staff.  They will collect you from the classroom.

Your parent will not be able to speak to your teacher.  If your parent wants to talk to your teacher, they can email them.

Year 1 and EYFS parents will leave from the EYFS door and go through the MUGA gate. 

Year 6 and Keyworker parents will leave from the key stage 2 door and go through the MUGA gate.

Getting Home

If you are in year 6 and walking home, you must go home straight away.  You should not walk with friends unless there is a 2m gap between you.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607