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Wednesday 27.01.21

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all well.  Please make sure you take a photo of your work and email this to

Reading: Please log in to your Rising Stars online reading account.  The username and passwords were sent out via  dojo message.  As as well a good selection of books, you have quizzes and can be awarded stars for each book you read! 

Arithmetic Starter: This week the focus is percentages.  Answer the questions and then watch the video as I explain how to calculate the answers.

Guided Reading:  In your CGP Sats Buster Reading Booklet,  complete the Inference questions on p38 and 39 - The Baba Yaga story. Mark your work and send me an image of it. The answers are attached below.

English: Today,  will be learning about the meaning of words in context with the book The Nowhere Emporium.  Read chapter 1 of the Nowhere Emporium ( attached below) and watch the video for today's lesson.

Maths: This week, we are focusing on fractions.  We need to recap adding and subtracting fractions (including mixed number fractions) so we become experts  at this.  LO: To add and subtract fractions (including mixed numbers) Watch the video and then complete  the questions.  The answers are on the question sheet via the QR code or you can see the answer sheet attached below.  Mark your work and send me a picture.

PE: Time to get active year 6!  Build your fitness with some PE with Joe Wicks.

RE:  In our study of Christianity,  I would like you to research a committed Christian.  Find out about their life and how their faith has helped them in difficult times.  This could be somebody you know or famous people like  Desmond Tutu, ( more information on the powerpoint below) John Wesley.  Write down the main difficulties and what they did ( faith) to help them through this time.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607