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British Values

At Primet Primary School we take seriously our role to not only teach our children to be good learners but also to be good citizens both now and in the future when they are adults.

Our core values of – respect – caring – co-operation – trust – appreciation and pride – underpin all that we do in school and these are values which we believe are not only appropriate for them as children but also for all members of our community and our country.

We develop these through our school assemblies and class assemblies and also through our PSHE and RE curriculum as well as the daily routine of life and our interaction with each other.

British Values can be summed up in four clear categories as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.


We have a School Council who take their responsibilities very seriously. The council are elected by their peers at the start of each academic year and their work can be seen on the notice board at the entrance to school.  In our daily life we encourage all children to be respectful of each other and to ensure that all are included and treated fairly, no matter who they are.

Rule of Law

All citizens of Great Britain have to abide by the law of the land and the same is true of our school.  We have clear expectations and standards of behaviour and all are expected to abide by them.  We believe that all have the right to make choices but that we accept the consequences of those choices.  This is very true of our behaviour management systems at school.  If children choose to make the wrong decision and to cause harm to others or to others’ property, then they are choosing to accept the consequences of their actions.  Equally, all are given the opportunity to redeem themselves once any misdemeanour is dealt with.

Individual Liberty

This links in very closely with the rule of law.  All have the responsibility for their own actions and this is encouraged from the very youngest to the oldest members of our school. We also encourage the children to be aware of their actions and the impact that has on others as well as being aware of the impact that the actions of others have on them.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

This is a fundamental aspect of our values.  All are welcome at our school and all have a part to play and a contribution to make. We have our uniform to show that we belong and we care about who we are and who we represent.  Beyond this we are all individuals with different strengths, hopes, talents and dreams and we celebrate this diversity as a school. All are welcome here and we learn from each other and respect and celebrate the differences which exist between us.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607